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Please note: The talks below start at 7:30pm (doors open 7:15pm) and take place at Time & Talents Centre

unless otherwise indicated. Booking is not required for these talks but only for the special Mayflower 400 London Lectures

which are detailed on our dedicated page.

The Rotherhithe and Bermondsey Local History Society events, including meetings in person, are suspended for the duration of restrictions associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Committee are in constant contact and ready to re-start normal business as soon as possible

You can be one of the first to hear when we resume, simply by clicking the

'Keep Me Updated' button on our

Mayflower 400 Page 

Until we meet again - please stay safe 

 © Copyright 2023 Rotherhithe & Bermondsey

Local History Society. All rights reserved.

(Website re-designed in  2016)

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c/o Time and Talents Centre, The Old Mortuary,

St, Marychurch Street, Rotherhithe, 

London, SE16 4JE

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