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Patron: Sir Tommy Steele O.B.E.
Keeping History Alive in London's Secret Riverside Villages

Wed, Oct 30
|Norwegian Church
Ten-minute Tales: Ghosts and Ghouls of Rotherhithe and Bermondsey (preceeded by AGM)
For our 'Hallowe'en Special' following the AGM, a number of our very own members will be sharing their local ghost stories...or similar supernatural accounts...
Time & Location
Oct 30, 2024, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Norwegian Church , 12 Albion St, London SE16 7LN, UK
About the event
The evening will begin at 7:30pm with our AGM, which all members are welcome to participate in, and non-members to observe. Following a break for refreshments, we will continue with the Ten-minute Tales at around 8:30pm:
The Bellarmine Witch Jug
An adaptation of a short story, written by Portals of London, entitled Thames Mud, Long Memory: The Bellarmine Jug.
The Thames Tunnel Phantom
A short story, written by Portals of London
Terror on Jacob’s Island!
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